Sebuah berita dari Framework Codeigniter yang mana sudah cukup lama tidak lama melakukan Release versi terbaru, kali ini CodeIgniter release Versi 3.0
Buat yang ingin mencoba versi 3.0 silahkan download disini : DOWNLOADberikut akan review sedikit apa saja yang terjadi perubahan atau fix bug yang di lakukan :
1. APPPATH needs fix for Windows System
melakukan bug pada APPPATH backslashes
The APPPATH is currently setting path with backslashes instead of forward-slashes. So currently APPPATH outputs like thiis:2. form_helper & Form_validation type-casting issueD:\xampp\htdocs\codeigniter\application/
...with the trailing forward-slash at the end.
melakukan perbaikan pada set_checkbox & set_radio
echo set_checkbox('something', 1, (bool) $R->something); // This fails
echo set_checkbox('something', '1', (bool) $R->something);
// This works, but ugly (having to quote the number to make it a string).
3. Update .htaccess files for Apache 2.4+Melakukan update code .htaccess, melakukan update .htaccess supaya tidak terjadi 500 Internal Server Error
<IfModule authz_core_module>
Require all denied
<IfModule access_compat_module>
Deny from all
untuk Bug Fix berikut kutipan dari CodeIgniter sendiri :pada Update kali ini cukup banyak di lakukan perbaikan, tapi tidak terlalu besar cuma ada beberapa coding yang sebelumnya musti di update lagi jika ingin melakukan update ke versi 3.0
- Fixed a bug where unlink() raised an error if cache file did not exist when you try to delete it.
- Fixed a bug (#181) where a mis-spelling was in the form validation language file.
- Fixed a bug (#159, #163) - :doc:`Query Builder <database/query_builder>` nested transactions didn't work properly due to_trans_depth not being incremented.
- Fixed a bug (#737, #75) - :doc:`Pagination <libraries/pagination>` anchor class was not set properly when using initialize method.
- Fixed a bug (#419) - :php:func:`auto_link()` didn't recognize URLs that come after a word boundary.
- Fixed a bug (#724) - :doc:`Form Validation Library <libraries/form_validation>` rule is_unique didn't check if a database connection exists.
- Fixed a bug (#647) - :doc:`Zip Library <libraries/zip>` internal method _get_mod_time() didn't suppress possible "stat failed" errors generated by filemtime().
- Fixed a bug (#157, #174) - :doc:`Image Manipulation Library <libraries/image_lib>` method clear() didn't completely clear properties.
- Fixed a bug where :doc:`Database Forge <database/forge>` method create_table() with PostgreSQL database could lead to fetching the whole table.
- Fixed a bug (#795) - :doc:`Form Helper <helpers/form_helper>` :php:func:`form_open()` didn't add the default form method andaccept-charset when an empty array is passed to it.
- Fixed a bug (#797) - :php:func:`timespan()` was using incorrect seconds for year and month.
- Fixed a bug in CI_Cart::contents() where if called without a TRUE (or equal) parameter, it would fail due to a typo.
- Fixed a bug (#696) - make oci_execute() calls inside num_rows() non-committing, since they are only there to reset which row is next in line for oci_fetch calls and thus don't need to be committed.
- Fixed a bug (#406) - SQLSRV DB driver not returning resource on db_pconnect().
- Fixed a bug in CI_Image_lib::gd_loaded() where it was possible for the script execution to end or a PHP E_WARNING message to be emitted.
- Fixed a bug in the :doc:`Pagination library <libraries/pagination>` where when use_page_numbers=TRUE previous link and page 1 link did not have the same url.
- Fixed a bug (#561) - Errors in :doc:`XML-RPC Library <libraries/xmlrpc>` were not properly escaped.
- Fixed a bug (#904) - CI_Loader::initialize() caused a PHP Fatal error to be triggered if error level E_STRICT is used.
- Fixed a hosting edge case where an empty $_SERVER['HTTPS'] variable would evaluate to 'on'.
- Fixed a bug (#154) - CI_Session::sess_update() caused the session to be destroyed on pages where multiple AJAX requests were executed at once.
- Fixed a possible bug in CI_Input::is_ajax_request() where some clients might not send the X-Requested-With HTTP header value exactly as 'XmlHttpRequest'.
- Fixed a bug (#1039) - MySQL's _backup() method failed due to a table name not being escaped.
- Fixed a bug (#1070) - CI_DB_driver::initialize() didn't set a character set if a database is not selected.
- Fixed a bug (#177) - CI_Form_validation::set_value() didn't set the default value if POST data is NULL.
- Fixed a bug (#68, #414) - Oracle's escape_str() didn't properly escape LIKE wild characters.
- Fixed a bug (#81) - ODBC's list_fields() and field_data() methods skipped the first column due to odbc_field_*() functions' index starting at 1 instead of 0.
- Fixed a bug (#129) - ODBC's num_rows() returned -1 in some cases, due to not all subdrivers supporting the odbc_num_rows() function.
- Fixed a bug (#153) - E_NOTICE being generated by getimagesize() in the :doc:`File Uploading Library <libraries/file_uploading>`.
- Fixed a bug (#611) - SQLSRV's error handling methods used to issue warnings when there's no actual error.
- Fixed a bug (#1036) - is_write_type() method in the :doc:`Database Library <database/index>` didn't return TRUE for RENAME queries.
- Fixed a bug in PDO's _version() method where it used to return the client version as opposed to the server one.
- Fixed a bug in PDO's insert_id() method where it could've failed if it's used with Postgre versions prior to 8.1.
- Fixed a bug in CUBRID's affected_rows() method where a connection resource was passed to cubrid_affected_rows() instead of a result.
- Fixed a bug (#638) - db_set_charset() ignored its arguments and always used the configured charset instead.
- Fixed a bug (#413) - Oracle's error handling methods used to only return connection-related errors.
- Fixed a bug (#1101) - MySQL/MySQLi result method field_data() was implemented as if it was handling a DESCRIBE result instead of the actual result set.
- Fixed a bug in Oracle's :doc:`Database Forge Class <database/forge>` method _create_table() where it failed with AUTO_INCREMENT as it's not supported.
- Fixed a bug (#1080) - When using the SMTP protocol, the :doc:`Email Library <libraries/email>` send() method was returning TRUE even if the connection/authentication against the server failed.
- Fixed a bug (#306) - ODBC's insert_id() method was calling non-existent function odbc_insert_id(), which resulted in a fatal error.
- Fixed a bug in Oracle's DB_result class where the cursor id passed to it was always NULL.
- Fixed a bug (#64) - Regular expression in DB_query_builder.php failed to handle queries containing SQL bracket delimiters in the join condition.
- Fixed a bug in the :doc:`Session Library <libraries/sessions>` where a PHP E_NOTICE error was triggered by _unserialize() due to results from databases such as MSSQL and Oracle being space-padded on the right.
- Fixed a bug (#501) - set_rules() to check if the request method is not 'POST' before aborting, instead of depending on count($_POST) in the :doc:`Form Validation Library <libraries/form_validation>`.
- Fixed a bug (#136) - PostgreSQL, MySQL and MySQLi's escape_str() method didn't properly escape LIKE wild characters.
- Fixed a bug in the library loader where some PHP versions wouldn't execute the class constructor.
- Fixed a bug (#88) - An unexisting property was used for configuration of the Memcache cache driver.
- Fixed a bug (#14) - create_database() method in the :doc:`Database Forge Library <database/forge>` didn't utilize the configured database character set.
- Fixed a bug (#23, #1238) - delete_all() in the Database Caching Library <database/caching> used to delete .htaccess and index.html files, which is a potential security risk.
- Fixed a bug in :doc:`Trackback Library <libraries/trackback>` method validate_url() where it didn't actually do anything, due to input not being passed by reference.
- Fixed a bug (#11, #183, #863) - CI_Form_validation::_execute() silently continued to the next rule, if a rule method/function is not found.
- Fixed a bug (#122) - routed URI string was being reported incorrectly in sub-directories.
- Fixed a bug (#1242) - read_dir() in the :doc:`Zip Library <libraries/zip>` wasn't compatible with Windows.
- Fixed a bug (#306) - ODBC driver didn't have an _insert_batch() method, which resulted in fatal error being triggered when insert_batch() is used with it.
- Fixed a bug in MSSQL and SQLSrv's _truncate() where the TABLE keyword was missing.
- Fixed a bug in PDO's trans_commit() method where it failed due to an erroneous property name.
- Fixed a bug (#798) - update() used to ignore LIKE conditions that were set with like().
- Fixed a bug in Oracle's and MSSQL's delete() methods where an erroneous SQL statement was generated when used with limit().
- Fixed a bug in SQLSRV's delete() method where like() and limit() conditions were ignored.
- Fixed a bug (#1265) - Database connections were always closed, regardless of the 'pconnect' option value.
- Fixed a bug (#128) - :doc:`Language Library <libraries/language>` did not correctly keep track of loaded language files.
- Fixed a bug (#1242) - Added Windows path compatibility to function read_dir of ZIP library.
- Fixed a bug (#1349) - get_extension() in the :doc:`File Uploading Library <libraries/file_uploading>` returned the original filename when it didn't have an actual extension.
- Fixed a bug (#1273) - E_NOTICE being generated by :doc:`Query Builder <database/query_builder>`'s set_update_batch() method.
- Fixed a bug (#44, #110) - :doc:`Upload library <libraries/file_uploading>`'s clean_file_name() method didn't clear '!' and '#' characters.
- Fixed a bug (#121) - CI_DB_result::row() returned an array when there's no actual result to be returned.
- Fixed a bug (#319) - SQLSRV's affected_rows() method failed due to a scrollable cursor being created for write-type queries.
- Fixed a bug (#356) - PostgreSQL driver didn't have an _update_batch() method, which resulted in fatal error being triggered when update_batch() is used with it.
- Fixed a bug (#784, #862) - :doc:`Database Forge <database/forge>` method create_table() failed on SQLSRV/MSSQL when used with 'IF NOT EXISTS'.
- Fixed a bug (#1419) - libraries/Driver.php had a static variable that was causing an error.
- Fixed a bug (#1411) - the :doc:`Email library <libraries/email>` used its own short list of MIMEs instead the one from config/mimes.php.
- Fixed a bug where the magic_quotes_runtime setting wasn't turned off for PHP 5.3 (where it is indeed deprecated, but not non-existent).
- Fixed a bug (#666) - :doc:`Output library <libraries/output>`'s set_content_type() method didn't set the document charset.
- Fixed a bug (#784, #861) - :doc:`Database Forge <database/forge>` method create_table() used to accept constraints for MSSQL/SQLSRV integer-type columns.
- Fixed a bug (#706) - SQLSRV/MSSSQL didn't escape field names.
- Fixed a bug (#1452) - protect_identifiers() didn't properly detect identifiers with spaces in their names.
- Fixed a bug where protect_identifiers() ignored its extra arguments when the value passed to it is an array.
- Fixed a bug where _has_operator() didn't detect BETWEEN.
- Fixed a bug in :doc:`Query Builder <database/query_builder>`'s join() method where it failed with identifiers containing dashes.
- Fixed a bug (#1264) - :doc:`Database Forge <database/forge>` and :doc:`Database Utilities <database/utilities>` didn't update/reset the databases and tables list cache when a table or a database is created, dropped or renamed.
- Fixed a bug (#7) - :doc:`Query Builder <database/query_builder>`'s join() method only escaped one set of conditions.
- Fixed a bug (#1321) - Core Exceptions class couldn't find the errors/ folder in some cases.
- Fixed a bug (#1202) - :doc:`Encryption Library <libraries/encryption>` encode_from_legacy() didn't set back the encrypt mode on failure.
- Fixed a bug (#145) - compile_binds() failed when the bind marker was present in a literal string within the query.
- Fixed a bug in protect_identifiers() where if passed along with the field names, operators got escaped as well.
- Fixed a bug (#10) - :doc:`URI Library <libraries/uri>` internal method _detect_uri() failed with paths containing a colon.
- Fixed a bug (#1387) - :doc:`Query Builder <database/query_builder>`'s from() method didn't escape table aliases.
- Fixed a bug (#520) - :doc:`Date Helper <helpers/date_helper>` function nice_date() failed when the optional second parameter is not passed.
- Fixed a bug (#167) - $config['permitted_uri_chars'] didn't affect URL-encoded characters.
- Fixed a bug (#318) - :doc:`Profiling <general/profiling>` setting query_toggle_count was not settable as described in the manual.
- Fixed a bug (#938) - :doc:`Config Library <libraries/config>` method site_url() added a question mark to the URL string when query strings are enabled even if it already existed.
- Fixed a bug (#999) - :doc:`Config Library <libraries/config>` method site_url() always appended $config['url_suffix']to the end of the URL string, regardless of whether a query string exists in it.
- Fixed a bug where :doc:`URL Helper <helpers/url_helper>` function anchor_popup() ignored the attributes argument if it is not an array.
- Fixed a bug (#1328) - :doc:`Form Validation Library <libraries/form_validation>` didn't properly check the type of the form fields before processing them.
- Fixed a bug (#79) - :doc:`Form Validation Library <libraries/form_validation>` didn't properly validate array fields that use associative keys or have custom indexes.
- Fixed a bug (#427) - :doc:`Form Validation Library <libraries/form_validation>` method strip_image_tags() was an alias to a non-existent method.
- Fixed a bug (#1545) - :doc:`Query Builder <database/query_builder>` method limit() wasn't executed properly under Oracle.
- Fixed a bug (#1551) - :doc:`Date Helper <helpers/date_helper>` function standard_date() didn't properly format W3C andATOM standard dates.
- Fixed a bug in :doc:`Query Builder <database/query_builder>` method join() where literal values were escaped as if they were fields.
- Fixed a bug (#135) - PHP Error logging was impossible without the errors being displayed.
- Fixed a bug (#1613) - :doc:`Form Helper <helpers/form_helper>` functions form_multiselect(), form_dropdown() didn't properly handle empty array option groups.
- Fixed a bug (#1605) - :doc:`Pagination Library <libraries/pagination>` produced incorrect previous and next link values.
- Fixed a bug in SQLSRV's affected_rows() method where an erroneous function name was used.
- Fixed a bug (#1000) - Change syntax of $view_file to $_ci_view_file to prevent being overwritten by application.
- Fixed a bug (#1757) - :doc:`Directory Helper <helpers/directory_helper>` function directory_map() was skipping files and directories named 0.
- Fixed a bug (#1789) - :doc:`Database Library <database/index>` method escape_str() escaped quote characters in LIKE conditions twice under MySQL.
- Fixed a bug (#395) - :doc:`Unit Testing Library <libraries/unit_testing>` method result() didn't properly check array result columns when called from report().
- Fixed a bug (#1692) - :doc:`Database Library <database/index>` method display_error() didn't properly trace the possible error source on Windows systems.
- Fixed a bug (#1745) - is_write_type() method in the :doc:`Database Library <database/index>` didn't return TRUE for LOAD queries.
- Fixed a bug (#1765) - :doc:`Database Library <database/index>` didn't properly detect connection errors for MySQLi.
- Fixed a bug (#1257) - :doc:`Query Builder <database/query_builder>` used to (unnecessarily) group FROM clause contents, which breaks certain queries and is invalid for some databases.
- Fixed a bug (#1709) - :doc:`Email <libraries/email>` headers were broken when using long email subjects and rn as CRLF.
- Fixed a bug where MB_ENABLED was only declared if UTF8_ENABLED was set to TRUE.
- Fixed a bug where the :doc:`Session Library <libraries/sessions>` accepted cookies with last_activity values being in the future.
- Fixed a bug (#1897) - :doc:`Email Library <libraries/email>` triggered PHP E_WARNING errors when mail protocol used andto() is never called.
- Fixed a bug (#1409) - :doc:`Email Library <libraries/email>` didn't properly handle multibyte characters when applying Q-encoding to headers.
- Fixed a bug where :doc:`Email Library <libraries/email>` didn't honor its wordwrap setting while handling alternative messages.
- Fixed a bug (#1476, #1909) - :doc:`Pagination Library <libraries/pagination>` didn't take into account actual routing when determining the current page.
- Fixed a bug (#1766) - :doc:`Query Builder <database/query_builder>` didn't always take into account the dbprefix setting.
- Fixed a bug (#779) - :doc:`URI Class <libraries/uri>` didn't always trim slashes from the uri_string as shown in the documentation.
- Fixed a bug (#134) - :doc:`Database Caching <database/caching>` method delete_cache() didn't work in some cases due tocachedir not being initialized properly.
- Fixed a bug (#191) - :doc:`Loader Library <libraries/loader>` ignored attempts for (re)loading databases to get_instance()->db even when the old database connection is dead.
- Fixed a bug (#1255) - :doc:`User Agent Library <libraries/user_agent>` method is_referral() only checked if$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] exists.
- Fixed a bug (#1146) - :doc:`Download Helper <helpers/download_helper>` function force_download() incorrectly sent Cache-Control directives pre-check and post-check to Internet Explorer.
- Fixed a bug (#1811) - :doc:`URI Library <libraries/uri>` didn't properly cache segments for uri_to_assoc() andruri_to_assoc().
- Fixed a bug (#1506) - :doc:`Form Helpers <helpers/form_helper>` set empty name attributes.
- Fixed a bug (#59) - :doc:`Query Builder <database/query_builder>` method count_all_results() ignored the DISTINCT clause.
- Fixed a bug (#1624) - :doc:`Form Validation Library <libraries/form_validation>` rule matches didn't property handle array field names.
- Fixed a bug (#1630) - :doc:`Form Helper <helpers/form_helper>` function set_value() didn't escape HTML entities.
- Fixed a bug (#142) - :doc:`Form Helper <helpers/form_helper>` function form_dropdown() didn't escape HTML entities in option values.
- Fixed a bug (#50) - :doc:`Session Library <libraries/sessions>` unnecessarily stripped slashed from serialized data, making it impossible to read objects in a namespace.
- Fixed a bug (#658) - :doc:`Routing <general/routing>` wildcard :any didn't work as advertised and matched multiple URI segments instead of all characters within a single segment.
- Fixed a bug (#1938) - :doc:`Email Library <libraries/email>` removed multiple spaces inside a pre-formatted plain text message.
- Fixed a bug (#388, #705) - :doc:`URI Library <libraries/uri>` didn't apply URL-decoding to URI segments that it got fromREQUEST_URI and/or QUERY_STRING.
- Fixed a bug (#122) - :doc:`URI Library <libraries/uri>` method ruri_string() didn't include a directory if one is used.
- Fixed a bug - :doc:`Routing Library <general/routing>` didn't properly handle default_controller in a subdirectory when a method is also specified.
- Fixed a bug (#953) - :doc:`post_controller_constructor hook <general/hooks>` wasn't called with a 404_override.
- Fixed a bug (#1220) - :doc:`Profiler Library <general/profiling>` didn't display information for database objects that are instantiated inside models.
- Fixed a bug (#1978) - :doc:`Directory Helper <helpers/directory_helper>` function :php:func:`directory_map()`'s return array didn't make a distinction between directories and file indexes when a directory with a numeric name is present.
- Fixed a bug (#777) - :doc:`Loader Library <libraries/loader>` didn't look for helper extensions in added package paths.
- Fixed a bug (#18) - :doc:`APC Cache <libraries/caching>` driver didn't (un)serialize data, resulting in failure to store objects.
- Fixed a bug (#188) - :doc:`Unit Testing Library <libraries/unit_testing>` filled up logs with error messages for non-existing language keys.
- Fixed a bug (#113) - :doc:`Form Validation Library <libraries/form_validation>` didn't properly handle empty fields that were specified as an array.
- Fixed a bug (#2061) - :doc:`Routing Class <general/routing>` didn't properly sanitize directory, controller and function triggers with enable_query_strings set to TRUE.
- Fixed a bug - SQLSRV didn't support escape_like_str() or escaping an array of values.
- Fixed a bug - :doc:`Database Results <database/results>` method list_fields() didn't reset its field pointer for the mysql,mysqli and mssql drivers.
- Fixed a bug (#73) - :doc:`Security Library <libraries/security>` method sanitize_filename() could be tricked by an XSS attack.
- Fixed a bug (#2211) - :doc:`Migration Library <libraries/migration>` extensions couldn't executeCI_Migration::__construct().
- Fixed a bug (#2255) - :doc:`Email Library <libraries/email>` didn't apply smtp_timeout to socket reads and writes.
- Fixed a bug (#2239) - :doc:`Email Library <libraries/email>` improperly handled the Subject when used with bcc_batch_moderesulting in E_WARNING messages and an empty Subject.
- Fixed a bug (#2234) - :doc:`Query Builder <database/query_builder>` didn't reset JOIN cache for write-type queries.
- Fixed a bug (#2298) - :doc:`Database Results <database/results>` method next_row() kept returning the last row, allowing for infinite loops.
- Fixed a bug (#2236, #2639) - :doc:`Form Helper <helpers/form_helper>` functions :func:`set_value()`, :func:`set_select()`,:func:`set_radio()`, :func:`set_checkbox()` didn't parse array notation for keys if the rule was not present in the :doc:`Form Validation Library <libraries/form_validation>`.
- Fixed a bug (#2353) - :doc:`Query Builder <database/query_builder>` erroneously prefixed literal strings with dbprefix.
- Fixed a bug (#78) - :doc:`Cart Library <libraries/cart>` didn't allow non-English letters in product names.
- Fixed a bug (#77) - :doc:`Database Class <database/index>` didn't properly handle the transaction "test mode" flag.
- Fixed a bug (#2380) - :doc:`URI Routing <general/routing>` method fetch_method() returned 'index' if the requested method name matches its controller name.
- Fixed a bug (#2388) - :doc:`Email Library <libraries/email>` used to ignore attachment errors, resulting in broken emails being sent.
- Fixed a bug (#2498) - :doc:`Form Validation Library <libraries/form_validation>` rule valid_base64 only checked characters instead of actual validity.
- Fixed a bug (#2425) - OCI8 :doc:`database <database>` driver's method stored_procedure() didn't log an error unlessdb_debug was set to TRUE.
- Fixed a bug (#2490) - :doc:`Database Class <database/queries>` method query() returning boolean instead of a result object when the PostgreSQL-specific RETURNING clause is used.
- Fixed a bug (#249) - :doc:`Cache Library <libraries/caching>` didn't properly handle Memcache(d) configurations with missing options.
- Fixed a bug (#180) - :php:func:`config_item()` didn't take into account run-time configuration changes.
- Fixed a bug (#2551) - :doc:`Loader Library <libraries/loader>` method library() didn't properly check if a class that is being loaded already exists.
- Fixed a bug (#2560) - :doc:`Form Helper <helpers/form_helper>` function :php:func:`form_open()` set the 'method="post"' attribute only if the passed attributes equaled an empty string.
- Fixed a bug (#2585) - :doc:`Query Builder <database/query_builder>` methods min(), max(), avg(), sum() didn't escape field names.
- Fixed an edge case (#2583) in the :doc:`Email Library <libraries/email>` where Suhosin <> blocked messages sent via mail() due to trailing newspaces in headers.
- Fixed a bug (#2590) - :php:func:`log_message()` didn't actually cache the CI_Log class instance.
- Fixed a bug (#2609) - :php:func:`get_config()` optional argument was only effective on first function call. Also, it can now add items, in addition to updating existing items.
- Fixed a bug in the 'postgre' :doc:`database <database/index>` driver where the connection ID wasn't passed topg_escape_string().
- Fixed a bug (#33) - Script execution was terminated when an invalid cookie key was encountered.
- Fixed a bug (#2681) - CI_Security::entity_decode() used the PREG_REPLACE_EVAL flag, which is deprecated since PHP 5.5.
- Fixed a bug (#2691) - nested transactions could end in a deadlock when an error is encountered with db_debug set to TRUE.
- Fixed a bug (#2515) - _exception_handler() used to send the 200 "OK" HTTP status code and didn't stop script exection even on fatal errors.
untuk lebih lanjut silahkan di review sendiri2 yah.