10 jQuery Form Select Boxes Plugins

1. McDropDown
If you needed to develop a unique UI control that would allow users to select from a complex hierarchical tree of options, then this plugin is for you.

2. LinkSelect

While there are many similar plugins, the key differentiator with the LinkSelect plugin is that is designed to fit in limited real estate.

3. Image Combo Box

If you tired with your old fashion selectbox try this one. Image combo box. You can add an icon with each option. It works with your existing “select” element.

4. jQuery Chained Select

To chain combobox state to combobox country and combobox city to combobox state you must write the following code.

5. QuickSelect

The QuickSelect plugin allows you to create a text input with a list of specified options, and as you type, those options show up in a list below the input box. You can choose to have it top result into the input box as you type, or select an option using the arrow keys.

6. jQuery Selectbox Plugin

Custom select box replacement inspired by jQuery UI source.

7. Droplist Filter

This is a JavaScript tool for adding a little search widget next to any droplist.

8. jQuery Searchable DropDown Plugin

A jQuery plugin which extends normal dropdown (select) elements to be searchable.

9. Search Box with Filter

This search box reveals a drop down menu after the user clicks into the input field. The menu is meant to act as a filter with several checkbox options that allow the user to select specific categories for his search.

10. Sexy Combo jQuery Plugin

A jQuery plugin that allows you to turn default browser selectboxes into much more attractive and usable comboboxes.

11. Chosen jQuery Plugin

Chosen is a JavaScript plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly. It is currently available in both jQuery and Prototype flavors.

12. ddSlick jQuery Plugin

Good drop down plugin, adds images and description to otherwise boring drop downs.

13. jQuery Multiple Select Box Plugin

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