welcome you to the Mendeley Advisor Community

Tanggal 4 Agustus 2020 Akhirnya bisa bergabung dengan Mendeley Advisor Community

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If you are a Mendeley lover who wants to share the benefits of good reference management and the value of Mendeley groups, now’s your chance. We are expanding the Mendeley Advisor community and we’d love to have you join us!

Thousands of your peers around the world have already become Mendeley Advisors and helped us the get the word about Mendeley out on their campuses. The Mendeley Advisors serve as the Mendeley representative on campus and help us keep the user community thriving.

What Mendeley Advisors do:

They spread the word about Mendeley and good reference management in any way that makes sense. Here are some of the things that our current Advisors do:

Put up posters in the library, their offices and the student centre
Run informal one-on-one trainings
Host Mendeley drop in sessions through the library
Run Mendeley workshops
Include Mendeley in their curriculum
Wear Mendeley t-shirts
Post about Mendeley on social media like YouTube or Twitter
Anything else you can think of!
Essentially, Mendeley Advisors are our hands on the ground, helping potential users connect with the platform. We also consult with Advisors to understand the needs of users and to beta test new features. You’re the first group of users we consult when we are considering adding a new functionality to the product.

But the Mendeley Advisor program isn’t just making Mendeley famous—there are also some nice perks for you:

Be the Mendeley representative on your campus (a nice thing to add to your CV)
Get a special Mendeley Advisor account with more groups and increased storage
Connect with the team behind Mendeley
Be the first to know what we are working on and get early access to new features
Get access to the exclusive Mendeley Advisor forum
Receive free Mendeley giveaways for events
And most importantly: a flashy Advisor badge for your Mendeley profile so the whole world can see you’re a Mendeley guru!
welcome you to the Mendeley Advisor Community.

welcome you to the Mendeley Advisor Community.
#Mendeley #MendeleyAdvisor #H4nk

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